National Thinking Of You Week

Next week, from 26th September until 2nd October 2016, marks Thinking Of You Week; a week dedicated to creating and spreading happiness across the national by sending a card a day to different people. The campaign was originally set up by The Greetings Card Association and it now in its third year.

It is believed that spending a few minutes writing a card with a bit of care can give the recipient days of happiness, keep away feelings of depression and loneliness and make them feel extra special. Cards are more than just a piece of paper, they’re full of love and meaning to the recipient. It means the person took time, thought and care into choosing the right card and writing it.

It doesn’t have to be a long letter or anything, just a few words. Say hello to someone you haven’t spoke to for a while, offer supportive words to the person who is going through a rough time, offer good luck to someone who has started a new job or journeying on a new path, tell a special person you love them and what they mean to you or a simple thinking of you to someone who you’re missing.

All these positive vibes and feelings are good for health and well-being. So, spend 5-10 minutes each day over Thinking Of You Week sending a card and encourage family, friends and colleagues to do the same. To help you along, use code TOYW go get 20% off cards and postcards from now until 2nd October.



Dina x


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