Must-Have Apps For Managing Your Business On The Go

It’s not hard these days to keep track of what’s going on with your own business whilst being employed full-time.

Tweet: Awesome apps for keeping up-to-date with your own business whilst still in employment by @playful_indian

There’s a tonne of apps for smart phones so you can keep track of sales, upload photos, blog on the go and respond to queries. For those of you who may be in the same position as myself i.e in a full-time job as well as doing your own thing, here’s my must-have for managing your business on the go…


It’s clean and easy to use. This app has good editing facilities and it’s own filters; some are free and others you purchase. It also gives you an idea of what your instagram feed will look like so if you have a theme it’s brilliant. You can also use it to upload to social media networks once edited.

I like Phonto because you can add text! I tend to edit my image using VSCO then open Phonto and add my website as a watermark so if it’s shared people can find me. I don’t personally like it for photo editing.


FB Pages Manager
It’s so much easier to upload images and update your page status via the Facebook Pages app, view stats and campaigns. As I don’t log in to Facebook at work, it’s ideal to have the app so I can check during lunch or on my commute home. 

I do prefer the app, again, it’s so much easier to manage and update on the go. I love that it has its own filter gallery for any pics I’m taking on the go, I can quickly filter if needed.

Instagram is my favourite app. Being  a visual person I love the various accounts people have and themes. It’s great for when you’re stuck in a rut for ideas to quickly get inspiration. 

I’d be running around like a headless chicken trying to organise my weekly posts if I didn’t have this. I love the fact I can sit down on a Sunday afternoon and plan things I want to post for the week to most of my social media networks. It’s mainly articles I’ve saved from sites I follow that could be useful to my followers. I do try to post randomly too and reply to people but with this, I know there’s something new everyday.

social media apps


Google Docs & Google Drive
I make notes and write ideas in a Google Doc. This handy as it’s saved in my Google drive. It’s cloud storage so available anywhere at anytime. I also keep any images I’ve saved for social media in there.

Google Analytics
We need to keep track of what we’re doing somehow. I like to see where people are visiting from and what links they have clicked from your site or other sites to get to you. It’s also good to see how many visitors you’re getting each day, week or month. 

I used to use Pulse until they got rid of it so I’ve been using Feedly instead to combine all the blogs and websites I follow in one place. I have to say I do like it and use it on a daily basis on my commute to and from work. It also allows you to categorise each blog and share posts easily to other social media networks.

Clear Focus
Hands up, who else gets distracted by cat videos on YouTube?! Anyone? I’ve mentioned this in a previous post here about increasing productivity. It helps me stay focused on tasks for a set amount of time as I can get easily distrac…..

So, that’s all the apps I use, if you have some favourites for on the go, let me know…


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