6 Ways To Upcycle, Reuse & Recycle Old Greeting Cards

We’re given cards on birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Diwali and other occasions but what do YOU do with them? Nobody would want to see them in a landfill, so I’ve come up with a few ideas to upcycle, reuse and recycle them:


Cut off the back of the card and keep the front to reuse as a postcard. As long as the front has no writing on the inside you’re good to send it to someone else – just make sure you’re not sending it back to the same person who gave it you.


Frame it
If it’s a card that you’d like to keep why not frame and keep it. I get a lot of people buying my cards just to frame and I think that’s a fab idea!


Gift Tags
Cut the card, depending on size and design/pattern, punch a hole and thread some string or ribbon through and you have yourself a gift tag. It works especially well if there’s a character or image that you can cut around but patterned cards work just as well.


Scrapbook / Journaling
Scrapbook and journaling people can make use of them as page separators or stick around pages to make them pretty.


I LOVE the idea of one single card packed with years’ worth of messages. The idea being you pick someone who will do the same and resend the same card back and forth to each other over years. I saw this article a while ago about 2 brothers who resent each other the same card for about 40 years – how awesome is that?! Just think of the memories that card is made of…


Cut out the cards squares or circles big enough to fit a mug and get laminating! Easy, fun and creative coasters are done.


So that’s 6 ways to upcycle, reuse and recycle old greeting cards. What other uses can you think of? I hope this gets some creative juices flowing next time you receive a card.

Dina x


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