5 Ways To Deal With Unproductive Days

Everybody has an unproductive work day from time to time and there are lots of reasons why. For example, your brain doesn’t want to function, you have other things on your mind or you just don’t feel like working. There have been plenty of times i’ve tried to make myself work that i just end up creating more work for myself! It’s only recently i have learnt to take advantage of these days and use it in other productive ways.


If there are things on your mind that are bothering you, keeping you from concentrating on work, you should deal with these. The longer we put off dealing with issues, the harder it becomes. Whether it be, we should communicate and resolve things so they’re out in the open and we can free up our mind.


Your mental health is your number one priority. We take on so many roles as creatives (marketing, accounts, designing etc) and it all hard work. Lack of sleep, exercise/fresh air, eating habits and overworking can have a big impact on your day to day life. Take this time to concentrate on yourself. Go for a walk, meet up with friends, treat yourself to those shoes or just sleep if you need to! Taking time to care for yourself is so important and can get you back on track in no time with all that new energy.


If you’ve always wanted to try something different, why no now. Whether it be a new language, recipe, medium or whatever else, this is the perfect opportunity to give it a go. If might even spark some new ideas…


I always find myself doing household chores, things i’ve been putting off doing like decluttering cupboards and wardrobes or giving a few rooms a thorough dust, tidy and hoovering. Although it’s bloody tiring, it’s also satisfying so it makes me feel like I’ve still had a productive day.


There are days when doing nothing feels soooo good. To spend the day watching movies whilst snuggled up on the sofa with your duvet. A recharge day. Doing nothing is sometimes needed to de-stress from day to day activities and more than likely you’ll be raring to go the next day.


how to deal with unproductive days


I think there is always a way of using an unproductive day that will help you. Even if you’re doing nothing, you’re actually taking care of yourself and well-being.


Love, Dina x


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